...It's almost been a month since I posted last. I'm really bad about updating this thing.
Actually, I don't have anything to talk about. Except for the fact that Warped Tour is 18 days away and I'm dying. I wish time would go by faster.
So... yeah. That's about it. My life is pretty boring. Maybe I'll make something up, and write about it.
Oh, yeah. Yesterday I totally went to the Moon. It was incredible! It's totally not made out of Swiss cheese, but there is a huge ocean, and I swam in it. Alex Gaskarth was there, too. We swam together... and then had dinner on the beach. It was a beautiful thing.
We're in love and are going to be married on July 9th. At Warped Tour. It's going to be great. We're both very excited. I think we're going to have our honeymoon on the Moon, because, you know. We can.
Anyway, I'll let you know how everything turns out.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
47. The exact number of days since I have last posted anything. This is kind of depressing, especially when you realize the last 47 days of my life have been filled with awesomeness.
So, first things first: We still do not have a new car, and to add to the misfortune, now one of our other cars doesn't run. We are down to one vehicle. My dad drives it to work, leaving my mom to get rides from her co-workers. Luckily for me and my brother, I have a nice friend that took us to school.
However, more good than bad has taken place these past 47 days. Such as, Graduation. Yes, everyone. Much to the amazement of myself and everyone around me, I graduated high school on Saturday. I'm forever done with school of every kind. Seriously. I could barely finish high school, there is no way I'm going to college. My brother on the other hand, still has a lot of school left. He doesn't even graduate for another five years...
Speaking of graduation, my party was the next day. I ate lots of food and got really fat. Oh, and the best part? My Grandma gave me a necklace. Not just any necklace, but a necklace with my birthstone. I can't find jewelrey with my birthstone anywhere. Needless to say, she is my favorite Grandma. And next to that, I got $250. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
Warped Tour plans are underway. One of my friends can't make it (she has summer classes for college), so now my other friend and I need to find a replacement. I'm not too worried about that.
Juliet Simms of Automatic Loveletter. After watching all season, voting and crying and almost dying every time there was an elimination, she came in second. Which is still good, right? I wanted to kill myself when she didn't win. The night before I had completely forgotten about voting, so when they said first and second were separated by four percent... you can only imagine. She still made it farther than I thought she would, so I'm happy for her. She's amazing.
One more thing, I recently started re-reading the Harry Potter series. Why? Because I felt nostalgic. I haven't read the books in a while. Heck, the first time I read them I was like, ten. It's weird reading them now... I remember them a lot differently. I plan to finish all the books and then sit and watch all the movies in a row. However, all the movies add up to be almost 24 hours, so... I don't know exactly how I'm going to watch them all. I might have to take breaks or something.
And of course, let's not forget, we had the second Friday the 13th of this year. I hope you were all safe. The next one is in July, so beware.
Juliet Simms of Automatic Loveletter. After watching all season, voting and crying and almost dying every time there was an elimination, she came in second. Which is still good, right? I wanted to kill myself when she didn't win. The night before I had completely forgotten about voting, so when they said first and second were separated by four percent... you can only imagine. She still made it farther than I thought she would, so I'm happy for her. She's amazing.
One more thing, I recently started re-reading the Harry Potter series. Why? Because I felt nostalgic. I haven't read the books in a while. Heck, the first time I read them I was like, ten. It's weird reading them now... I remember them a lot differently. I plan to finish all the books and then sit and watch all the movies in a row. However, all the movies add up to be almost 24 hours, so... I don't know exactly how I'm going to watch them all. I might have to take breaks or something.
And of course, let's not forget, we had the second Friday the 13th of this year. I hope you were all safe. The next one is in July, so beware.
Well, that's just everything that I can remember. Hopefully, it won't be another 47 days before I update this again.
Friday, April 6, 2012
I'm ready for Graduation.
On Wednesday evening, my mom gets a phone call from my father. He says he was just in a car accident and that the car was totaled. The first thing out of my mom's mouth was, "Are you serious?" Then he second question was "Are you okay?"
This is the second car my dad has totaled now... and this time it sucks even more because the car he totaled was supposed to be mine! They were actually planning on giving it to me in the next few weeks.
So, here is what happened: My father is coming home from work. He is on the interstate, passing some guy when this guy decides he can't see my dad and gets over. He hits my dad and then my dad hits the guardrail.
Amazingly, my dad walked away perfectly fine. Not even a scratch. Oh, and the weird thing is all the doors open fine, the gauges work, and even the radio came on. It's crazy.
Anyway, while we were cleaning out our car, my friend texts me telling me we are going to see Titanic on Thursday. So, it made my day a whole lot better.
So, the next day (Thursday) three of my friends and I head to the movies. We saw Titanic and I bawled like a baby. That movie is just so sad... The movie was great in 3D for those of you who are wondering. I loved it.
After the movie, we went on some adventures that we are not allowed to talk about. What I can tell you is that we will be talking about our adventures for a while.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
You should be jealous.
Warped Tour 2012 pre-sale tickets came on sale at 10:00am, Friday March 30.
Unfortunately, I was at school at that exact moment in time; however, as soon as I got home my mom and I ordered three tickets for the July 9th show in Bonner Springs. Why three tickets? One is for me, and the other two are for two of my friends.
I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm actually offically going to Warped Tour. It's like my dream come true. It's just awesome.
Anyway, these aren't just any tickets, for those of you who don't know. They are pre-sale tickets. Which not only means they are cheaper than the regular tickets, but they also come with a few added bonuses.
One of those extra surprises is that the tickets can be used as a Jump the Line pass, which basically means my friends and I don't have to wait in line to get in. We can just go right on through. Also, the purchase comes with a copy of this years Warped Tour compilation CD (which just happens to have Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low on the cover).
You should be totally jealous right now. You have no idea what you are missing out on, my friends.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
It's late, I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
So, I realize it has been a LONG time since I have lost posted anything here... The main reason for that is nothing really blog worthy has actually happened, until now. And also, I have been extremely busy with school work. You see, I only need two more classes to graduate (English and Government), and, well, I was failing them. So I was spending all my extra time doing school stuff for those classes. Needles to say, I am now passing in both classes, and hopefully I will be posting my frequently again. Now, let's get down to business.
The first item up for discussion is how amazing it is knowing that Juliet Simms (of Automatic Loveletter) is going to the live shows on the the Voice. I expect all of you have been watching that show religiously, knowing that Juliet Simms is a contestant. When she moved on, I almost cried. I was so relieved. I want her to win, because she is awesome and I love her.
Now, probably MUCH more exciting than that is the news that I just learned today (yesterday? It's 2:02 in the morning...). ALL TIME LOW IS OFFICIALLY PLAYING WARPED TOUR THIS SUMMER! I literally screamed and cried and started jumping for joy when I read the line-up. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. It was amazing. Everyone already knew they were going to be playing, but then they finally announced it. I thought I was going to die. But, of course, they are not the only band playing that I care about. Dare I mention: The Used, Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory, Yellowcard, We The Kings, Breathe Carolina, It Boys!, Senses Fail, We Are the In Crowd, and a bajillion others. I can't wait for this summer. It's going to be awesome.
Oh, and lastly, before I forget, I just want to let you know that my laptop is out of commission. I don't know what is wrong with it, all I know is that it never works when I want it to. Therefore, it living in my parent's closet. In the meantime I am going to be using my old laptop. And when I say OLD, I mean it. It's probably five or six years old. The 6 key is missing (but obviously still works), oh, and it's running Windows XP. Oh, and if that's not enough I might also mention that their is no battery, so in order to stay on it has to be plugged in all the time (not much of a laptop if you ask me). Needless to say, I miss having my nice new laptop with beautiful Windows 7... My hope is that I can get it fixed, and be using it again soon. I don't know how much longer I can take this old laptop. It's killing me.
There. That is all I have to say. Hopefully my next post won't be as long (or boring, or sad).
Now, probably MUCH more exciting than that is the news that I just learned today (yesterday? It's 2:02 in the morning...). ALL TIME LOW IS OFFICIALLY PLAYING WARPED TOUR THIS SUMMER! I literally screamed and cried and started jumping for joy when I read the line-up. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. It was amazing. Everyone already knew they were going to be playing, but then they finally announced it. I thought I was going to die. But, of course, they are not the only band playing that I care about. Dare I mention: The Used, Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory, Yellowcard, We The Kings, Breathe Carolina, It Boys!, Senses Fail, We Are the In Crowd, and a bajillion others. I can't wait for this summer. It's going to be awesome.
Oh, and lastly, before I forget, I just want to let you know that my laptop is out of commission. I don't know what is wrong with it, all I know is that it never works when I want it to. Therefore, it living in my parent's closet. In the meantime I am going to be using my old laptop. And when I say OLD, I mean it. It's probably five or six years old. The 6 key is missing (but obviously still works), oh, and it's running Windows XP. Oh, and if that's not enough I might also mention that their is no battery, so in order to stay on it has to be plugged in all the time (not much of a laptop if you ask me). Needless to say, I miss having my nice new laptop with beautiful Windows 7... My hope is that I can get it fixed, and be using it again soon. I don't know how much longer I can take this old laptop. It's killing me.
There. That is all I have to say. Hopefully my next post won't be as long (or boring, or sad).
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Superbowl Sunday!
So, the Superbowl was on Sunday. I'm not going to lie, I only watched it from the half time show on. I just don't care about sports, and the only reason I wanted it at all was because nothing else was on. For anyone wondering, the Giants won. By four. So, all you Giants fans can celebrate.
Anyway, what I want to talk about is what was on after the Superbowl. Yes, the Voice. For any of you who have not watched it, I am telling you to do so now. It's actually a really cool show. Oh, and it doesn't hurt to look at Adam Levine the whole time. He's just so attractive...
...anyway. Juliet Simms is what I want to talk about. She was on the Voice. For those of you who don't know, Juliet Simms is the lead singer of the band Automatic Loveletter. I have no idea why she is on the show, but I'm glad she is. I love her. I always have. Hearing her name on that show, I almost had a heart attack.
Now, the Voice was on again Monday night. Another famous face was on the stage. Angel Taylor. Yes, she is also a singer. And while I'm pointing out all these famous people, I just want to point out that last season Dia Frampton was on the show. Dia and her sister Meg are in a band called... Meg & Dia. They've actually been around for a while.
So, there you have it. I hope I enlightened you to check out the show if you haven't, or check out the celebrities now that I pointed them out to you. I just want to say your welcome in advance.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Daniel Radcliffe is attractive.

I'm currently reading Forever (Book three in the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy) by Maggie Stiefvater. Yes, I did read the first two, Shiver and Linger.
The first two books were fantastic and I definitely recommend them if you haven't read them. If you enjoy werewolves, and amazing love stories, this is the series for you!

Once I have completed Forever, I will begin reading The Woman in Black.
Yes, The Woman in Black. As in the movie starring (the amazingly handsome) Daniel Radcliffe that comes out February 3. It was a book first. I know this because the book came out in 1983... and it has been a play in the UK for the past twenty years (Yes, it took twenty years for it to get to America. It's kind of depressing, isn't it?).

Oh, and I don't care what you think: Daniel Radcliffe is a very attractive man. Seriously, just look at him.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Friday the 13th
In just a few days we will see the first Friday the 13th of the new year. I just want to take a second to point out that there are three Friday the 13's this year. Three. Don't you think it's a little strange, that in the year 2012 (the year the world is supposedly going to end) there are three Friday the 13's. I think this is rather strange. So, I want to talk about this interesting superstition a little bit.
Paraskevidekatriaphobics: The fear of Friday the 13th (Yes, it's a real thing). Suffer from this? So do 17 to 20 million people in the United States.
Friday the 13 can happen at least once and up to three times a year (as is the case this year. With it landing in January, April and July). It's very rarely that it happens more than three times a year.
There is no known origin for this superstition, but there are many different theories such as; 12 is the number of completeness, and if there are 13 guests at a dinner, one will die by the end of the year (At the Last Supper, there were exactly thirteen people, and by the end of the year Christ was crucified. The crucifixion itself took place on a Friday).
Now that we have had a brief history lesson, I have one question:
Do you believe in Friday the 13th?
Whether you believe or not, I advise you to stay away from ladders, black cats, glass, and salt. Actually, just avoid everything, just stay in bed. Who knows, maybe getting out of bed is going to set something in motion, ultimately causing you to get hit with bad luck for the rest of your life (Final Destination, anyone?).
Please, please, I implore you. Be cautious this Friday the 13th.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year!
So, I know this is a little late, but this is first chance I've had to sit down and write anything.
New Year's Eve, I went over to my friends house and we had a party. We watched movies, played some games, ate great food. It was awesome. We stayed up until almost five thirty in the morning... I slept until almost one in the afternoon. I just want to say right now, that I have never slept in that late in my whole life. Seriously. It was weird to wake up in the afternoon. I didn't get home until almost seven thirty yesterday, and once I was home I sat around with my parents and watched TV.
So, yes. This is the first moment where I'm not doing anything else. I want to take this moment to talk about my new years resolutions (I didn't give them much thought... actually I didn't think about them at all).
1. Lose weight. This is a resolution I have every year. This year I'm actually going to try and lose some weight. I'm not saying that I'm fat or anything, but I would like to lose a little bit.
2. Get a job. Mainly because I need the money... and I'm eighteen years old. I feel like I need a job.
3. Go to more concerts. I went to two concerts last year. That's the most I've ever been to in one year. This year I want to go to twice that, at least. With Warped Tour being the main one. I've never been before, and I think this is the perfect year to go. Also: Meet Alex Gaskarth, and hug him.
4. Write more. Maybe I'll write a book or something...
5. Live through 2012. I don't want to die on December 21, 2012. I mean, who does?
So, what are your New Year's Resolutions? I bet they're better than mine. I just came up with mine right now, as I was typing them. Maybe next year I'll take some time to think about it a little more... Maybe that should be another one of my resolutions...
New Year's Eve, I went over to my friends house and we had a party. We watched movies, played some games, ate great food. It was awesome. We stayed up until almost five thirty in the morning... I slept until almost one in the afternoon. I just want to say right now, that I have never slept in that late in my whole life. Seriously. It was weird to wake up in the afternoon. I didn't get home until almost seven thirty yesterday, and once I was home I sat around with my parents and watched TV.
So, yes. This is the first moment where I'm not doing anything else. I want to take this moment to talk about my new years resolutions (I didn't give them much thought... actually I didn't think about them at all).
1. Lose weight. This is a resolution I have every year. This year I'm actually going to try and lose some weight. I'm not saying that I'm fat or anything, but I would like to lose a little bit.
2. Get a job. Mainly because I need the money... and I'm eighteen years old. I feel like I need a job.
3. Go to more concerts. I went to two concerts last year. That's the most I've ever been to in one year. This year I want to go to twice that, at least. With Warped Tour being the main one. I've never been before, and I think this is the perfect year to go. Also: Meet Alex Gaskarth, and hug him.
4. Write more. Maybe I'll write a book or something...
5. Live through 2012. I don't want to die on December 21, 2012. I mean, who does?
So, what are your New Year's Resolutions? I bet they're better than mine. I just came up with mine right now, as I was typing them. Maybe next year I'll take some time to think about it a little more... Maybe that should be another one of my resolutions...
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