Merry Christmas!
I want to take a moment and talk about the presents I got this year:
1. Socks. Yea, socks. I'm actually okay with this. I needed new socks anyway...
2. Laptop Sleeve. I'm okay with this too. It's what I wanted. I already knew my mom was getting it for me, because I was standing there when she ordered it...
3. Slippers. Okay, so I wanted new slippers because my other pair was completely destroyed.
4. Lotions. Who doesn't like to get lotion? And it smells good. I'm very happy with this.
5. $25 gift card to Alco. Okay, now this is probably the worst gift ever. HOW DO YOU SPEND $25 IN ALCO? If you have never heard of Alco, don't look it up. It's the worst store in the history of stores... Even despite it being the worst store ever, I managed to spend $12 of my gift card. I bought a new mouse for my laptop and some nail polish.
6. Candy. Who doesn't love candy. Seriously? Best. Gift. Ever.
All in all, I want to be disappointed in the gifts I got this year, but I can't. Last year was a great year for Christmas. I got a laptop last year! My parents have been on a tight budget this year, so I knew that I wasn't going to get much. So, yea. I'm thankful and happy with what I got. At least I got something at all.
So, that's that. This afternoon my dad is going to cook up a nice Christmas dinner for just us. The food is going to be great, and I can't wait. I hope you all have a great Christmas!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Eve Eve.
Tonight is the Night Before Christmas Eve, and I feel like I still have a few important things to talk about before Christmas:
Number one: We had our first Snow Day on Tuesday. It was great, but because we missed school, we had to go all day Wednesday to finish finals. I actually enjoyed it, because I only had one final left for Wednesday. Everything else was just a party. The start to my Christmas break was amazing.
Number two: Because I have a bunch of free time, I've been spending it writing. I really want to get some stuff finished so I can move on and work on all the new ideas that I have. It's nice not having to worry about school work. I can spend all my time and energy on writing.
Number three: I finished Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the other day. It was actually a really good book. I never saw the ending coming (Okay, maybe I did, but that's beside the point). Now, I'm moving on to Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I've only read about eight chapters so far, but I really like where it's headed. I let you know how I feel about it when it's finished.
Number three: I finished Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the other day. It was actually a really good book. I never saw the ending coming (Okay, maybe I did, but that's beside the point). Now, I'm moving on to Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I've only read about eight chapters so far, but I really like where it's headed. I let you know how I feel about it when it's finished.
Number four: Okay, there is no number four... So, I guess that's where we end things. Adios!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Useless Information
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In other news: Finals started yesterday. I already took my Government and Psychology finals. All I have left is English, Advanced Biology (which are both on Monday), and Spanish (on Wednesday). I have some other classes, but I don't have a real final in them. In my Yearbook class, we're going to our teaches house and having breakfast (That's my last final. It's always nice to end the semester with breakfast). I can't wait for this semester to be over. I need a break.
Another thing: I think I may have become obsessed with tumblr. I stayed up until almost two in the morning last night, because I was on tumblr. It's probably my new favorite website ever. Even better than facebook, or twitter. If you haven't already, check it out. You don't know what you are missing.
Last but not least, I want to talk about reading for a second. Currently I'm reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'm about halfway through it, and I have to say that it's really good. I want to get it finished and then see the movie. I have the rest of the books in the series, too. And I plan on reading all of them. When I get them read, I'll let you know what I thought. So, I'm off to read.
Monday, December 5, 2011
...and we meet again.
I've kind of been putting this off for a while, but I finally decided I needed to sit down and write this. So, that's what I'm doing.
First of all, I'm happy to announce that I got my senior necklace in the mail today. It's sparkly and awesome. I never want to take it off. What I don't understand is why it came in a huge package. Seriously. This package is huge, and a tiny little necklace was all that was inside. They couldn't send it in something a little smaller? The package didn't even fit in the mailbox... I don't understand people sometimes.
Another happy announcement: My Grandma ordered my Christmas present Thursday when I got home from school. The order won't ship until Wednesday because the items are on pre-order. I plan on getting my stuff by the end of next week. It usually doesn't take very long for stuff to get here. I'm getting an All Time Low shirt and nightgown. They're awesome. I can't wait to get them, so I can wear them all the time. I love my Grandma. She always buys me what I want.
One last thing: My parents went away this weekend. They went to the Blizzard Bash in Topeka. They left Friday morning and weren't back until late last night. It was just me and my brother by ourselves all weekend. It was great. I managed to get a lot of writing done. I feel so acomplished. Anyway, when they got back they brought us stuff. A mohawk head band that lights up, and then a ball that lights up when you squeeze it. I couldn't stop playing with the stuff. I seem to be fascinated by things that light up...
Well, that's about all I wanted to talk about. I'm sure next time we meet, I'll have more not-so-important announcements for you. So, stay tuned.
First of all, I'm happy to announce that I got my senior necklace in the mail today. It's sparkly and awesome. I never want to take it off. What I don't understand is why it came in a huge package. Seriously. This package is huge, and a tiny little necklace was all that was inside. They couldn't send it in something a little smaller? The package didn't even fit in the mailbox... I don't understand people sometimes.
Another happy announcement: My Grandma ordered my Christmas present Thursday when I got home from school. The order won't ship until Wednesday because the items are on pre-order. I plan on getting my stuff by the end of next week. It usually doesn't take very long for stuff to get here. I'm getting an All Time Low shirt and nightgown. They're awesome. I can't wait to get them, so I can wear them all the time. I love my Grandma. She always buys me what I want.
One last thing: My parents went away this weekend. They went to the Blizzard Bash in Topeka. They left Friday morning and weren't back until late last night. It was just me and my brother by ourselves all weekend. It was great. I managed to get a lot of writing done. I feel so acomplished. Anyway, when they got back they brought us stuff. A mohawk head band that lights up, and then a ball that lights up when you squeeze it. I couldn't stop playing with the stuff. I seem to be fascinated by things that light up...
Well, that's about all I wanted to talk about. I'm sure next time we meet, I'll have more not-so-important announcements for you. So, stay tuned.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Today is thanksgiving and everywhere you look people are talking about what they are thankful for. So, I figured I should get into the spirit and do the same.
I'm thankful for my parents. For one, without them I wouldn't be here right now. And two, they are just the most awesomest people ever. They let me go to concerts, I don't have a curfew, they let me get piercings and tattoos. If I had any other people for my parents I would be a completely different person.
I'm thankful for all my family. I love them all. Even if we fight sometimes, I still love them. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, I love them all. I don't know what I would do if my family was this great.
I'm thankful for music. I know, that one is kind of weird. But without music in my life, I wouldn't be me. Music means the world to me. I can't stand not being able to listen to anything. Just think about how boring your life would be if you didn't have anything to fill in the silence. My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Mat Musto, Hot Chelle Rae, All Time Low, and a bazillion others. Especially All Time Low. I don't know what I would do without those guys. Oh, and I prefer CD's to MP3, in case you were wondering. Nothing beats going to a record store and buying and actual disk that you put in your car or stereo and listen to. Not only does it have a different sound quality, but CD's are forever. You can't just one day lose all your CD's, unlike MP3s. People need to keep buying CD's, I would be devastated it the record industry went out of business and everything was digital. I wouldn't be able to buy music anymore. So, please. I beg you: Buy an actual CD that you can hold in your hand, not just the digital copy.
I'm thankful for books. Actually, I'm thankful for words and people still read books, too. I know that in today's world everyone likes to have electronic books. I can't stand that idea. You miss out on the feel of the pages, and all that other good stuff that comes with actually holding a book in your hands. Words. What would we do without words. I love the fact that there are millions of words in the world and that any one is able to use them. People who read books. Without those people, there would be no point in my wanting to be an author. If people weren't reading books, there is no point to write books either. So, for all of you who love to read actual books, keep doing it. Please, I beg you.
So, that's what I'm thankful for in a nut shell. I'm sure there are other things, like my freedom, and stuff like that, but those are all things everyone is thankful for. It's kind of something that goes unsaid. Anyway, that's it. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Make sure you eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie. And if you don't like pumpkin pie, eat it anyway. Pumpkin pie is the most delicious pie ever invented and there is something seriously wrong with you if you don't like it. Seriously.
Anyway, eat all that delicious food and be thankful for it!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sunday, November 20th
Before I say another word, I just want to say that I am terribly sorry that it has taken me so long to get this updated. I have been really busy lately. But, anyway, I hope you enjoy!
After almost two weeks, I was still having a hard time dealing with the fact that my best friend, Tanya, was an alien. The new Tanya was exactly like the original and no one suspected anything, but I still knew the truth. Even after spending a bunch of time with her and her sister, I still wasn't used to it. Another thing I wasn't used to was talking to Alex Gaskarth. We had only spoken a few times in the almost two weeks since the incident. Each time I couldn't stop thinking about how awesome it was that he was not only talking to me, but he loved me. It was like my dreams had come true.
3:15pm, My phone rang and I knew who it would be before I even looked at the screen. I answered and was rewarded with the sweet sound of Alex's voice. We talked about his day for a while before he told me he wanted to see me. He said he was on his way to my house as we spoke, and he had already told all my friends to meet us in the park.
3:45, I got dressed quickly, not bothering with my hair and make-up. Alex arrived shortly after and he then drove us to the park. When we got there all my friends were there. Tanya, Michelle, Kenzie*, Tina*, Sage*, Randy*, and Gabe*. Kenzie and Gabe were making out while everyone else just stared at them. Ever since they had started dating, the couldn't keep their hands off each other.
4:00, We hung out, just talking. Alex got to know everyone. Eventually, Sage suggested we head to Salina to see Breaking Dawn since it just opened and none of us had seen it yet. Tina and Randy didn't want to go, so the rest of us got in Tanya's van and headed to the movie.
4:45, As soon as we arrived in Salina, I knew something odd was going on. When we got to the mall, we saw them. Zombies. Everywhere. They were all bloody and disgusting, definitely real. There were dead bodies laying all around. All the bodies were missing chunks of flesh, like they had been bitten. It looked like something out of a horror movie.
5:00, Of course, Alex was prepared. He always carries his weapons on him in case of an alien attack. He told Tanya to park the van and she did. He climbed out and started killing zombies. At first I was terrified he was going to be eaten, but after a while I calmed down. He killed aliens for a living, zombies would be no problem.
5:15, Inside the van, the rest of us tried to think of a plan. We decided that the only way to prevent the apocalypse from spreading was to find the source and destroy it. I called Alex back in and we told him the plan. He said he knew exactly where the source would be: the mall food court (That's where the source of every apocalypse is. It always starts with a bad piece of food).
5:30, Alex handed each one of us a weapon before we ran out of the van. Quickly we ran into the mall, killing all the zombies that came into our path. Once inside we quickly found what caused the zombie apocalypse in the food court. It was a radioactive piece of pizza. Alex said he had experience with radioactive food, and he knew just what to do. He pulled a vile of blue liquid from one of his pockets. He carefully poured a few drops of the liquid onto the pizza slice. Automatically, it transformed into a regular pizza again. Now, Alex explained, we had to find the person who ate the pizza originally and make them eat it. He said the person who ate it will look radioactive, like the pizza.
6:00, We split up. Alex and I went further into the mall, Kenzie and Gabe took the parking lot, and Sage went with Tanya and Michelle to drive around town.
6:30, We entered J.C. Penny and suddenly the zombies were everywhere. All at once they attacked us. Alex started firing his gun. All I had was a crowbar, but I smashed in the zombies skulls. After a few minutes, I felt a sharp, burning sensation in my calf. I looked to find a zombie biting me. Alex killed it and the pulled me out of the store. My leg hurt, and I couldn't move. He looked at me with nothing but determination in his eyes. He told me that feeding the original zombie the pizza would stop everything and I would be fine.
7:00, Alex and I were down to the last store with still no sign of the radioactive zombie. We walked into Sears, hoping to find the zombie. We had almost searched the whole store and were about to give up hope when we finally found him. The zombie was busy munching on some innocent store clerk. We snuck up on the zombie and Alex attacked. I stopped thinking about the pain in my leg. All I could focus on was not turning into a zombie. Alex grabbed the pizza and shoved it in the zombie's mouth, making him chew. I watched as he swallowed the pizza, and instantly zombies everywhere started turning back into regular people. I looked down at my leg and watched as it healed itself, leaving no signs or being bitten. Even the dead bodies can back to life. No one had any idea that anything had happened. Alex leaned down and kissed me.
7:15, We all met back up in the food court. Sage decided that she didn't want to see the movie anymore and everyone agreed. We all climbed back into Tanya's van and headed home.
7:45, Finally home, Alex and I crawled onto my couch to watch a movie. We ate popcorn and drank hot cocoa, snuggling to keep warm. it was nice to not have to worry about being turned into a zombie. Who knows what would have happened if Alex hadn't been with us. All in all it, was the perfect ending to an action packed day.
7:45, Finally home, Alex and I crawled onto my couch to watch a movie. We ate popcorn and drank hot cocoa, snuggling to keep warm. it was nice to not have to worry about being turned into a zombie. Who knows what would have happened if Alex hadn't been with us. All in all it, was the perfect ending to an action packed day.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Life sucks, and then you die.
So, I am officially giving up with my MP3 player. After it finally started working again, it decided that every time I press the volume buttons, it wanted to shut off. I wasn't too worried about it, because I had managed to get it a decent volume. I was perfectly fine with not messing with the volume.
But then tragedy struck. I turned it on later and the touch controls wouldn't work. It won't let me do anything! That was last Sunday. So, I have decided that I'm just going to forget about it. I feel terrible because my Grandma spent $120 on it, and within three weeks it was already ruined. My plan is to get a job, pay her back the money and then buy myself a nice new MP3 player. The new one won't be anywhere near water, ever.
Speaking of jobs, after my interview Family Video never called me back saying I got the job. So, I'm going to assume that since it has been almost two weeks, that I'm not getting hired. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do because I really need a job. I think I might go back to the library and get an application down there again. The only other job I've had was working in a restaurant, and it was terrible. I'm never doing that again.
That's the news for now. I'm sorry it took so long to get this updated. I was really busy with writing my Psychology and English paper. Now, my Psychology paper is finished and English won't take me very long. All I can think about is that every day of school gets me one day closer to graduation, and after graduation I don't have to worry about school ever again. Senioritis? Yep, I have it. Really bad. It's almost at the point where I don't even care about school anymore. All I need to graduate is English and Government. I've seriously thought about skipping all my other classes and just going for those two. That's how much I want to graduate.
Until next time, I hope you have a good day!
But then tragedy struck. I turned it on later and the touch controls wouldn't work. It won't let me do anything! That was last Sunday. So, I have decided that I'm just going to forget about it. I feel terrible because my Grandma spent $120 on it, and within three weeks it was already ruined. My plan is to get a job, pay her back the money and then buy myself a nice new MP3 player. The new one won't be anywhere near water, ever.
Speaking of jobs, after my interview Family Video never called me back saying I got the job. So, I'm going to assume that since it has been almost two weeks, that I'm not getting hired. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do because I really need a job. I think I might go back to the library and get an application down there again. The only other job I've had was working in a restaurant, and it was terrible. I'm never doing that again.
That's the news for now. I'm sorry it took so long to get this updated. I was really busy with writing my Psychology and English paper. Now, my Psychology paper is finished and English won't take me very long. All I can think about is that every day of school gets me one day closer to graduation, and after graduation I don't have to worry about school ever again. Senioritis? Yep, I have it. Really bad. It's almost at the point where I don't even care about school anymore. All I need to graduate is English and Government. I've seriously thought about skipping all my other classes and just going for those two. That's how much I want to graduate.
Until next time, I hope you have a good day!
Friday, November 11, 2011
It's Alive!
Great news! My MP3 player works!
I turned it on the other day and the screen worked perfectly fine. It has a little bit of water damage so the color is a little weird, but other than that everything works fine. I'm beyond happy. I don't know what I would have done if it wouldn't have worked.
Well, that was all I wanted to talk about. I hope you have a good day. I know I will.
I turned it on the other day and the screen worked perfectly fine. It has a little bit of water damage so the color is a little weird, but other than that everything works fine. I'm beyond happy. I don't know what I would have done if it wouldn't have worked.
Well, that was all I wanted to talk about. I hope you have a good day. I know I will.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Completely, 100 percent true.
Before I say another word, I want to emphasize this story (and all others proceeding it) is completely, one hundred percent true.
6:45am: My mom wakes me up as she is leaving for work. I quickly dress and skip breakfast (when you are as awesome as me, you don't need breakfast).
So, that was my day so far. How was your day?
*Names changed (as to protect their identity)
6:45am: My mom wakes me up as she is leaving for work. I quickly dress and skip breakfast (when you are as awesome as me, you don't need breakfast).
7:15: I go to wake my brother. He soon awakens and gets dressed, also skipping breakfast (he eats at school because he's not as awesome as me).
7:30: Tanya* shows up in her big white rape van with her sister, Michelle*, sitting in the backseat and gives us a ride to school. Everything seems normal. However, after dropping my brother off at the middle school, Tanya drives right by the high school and onto the highway. I start to worry.
8:15: We're late for school, but that is the least of my worries. By this time I have discovered that Tanya has been taken over by aliens. I discovered this when she started speaking in an alien language. Her sister seems to be perfectly fine. We exchange worried glances, but don't speak for fear of the aliens hearing us.
8:45: Tanya continues on the highway toward Junction City. The stereo in her van doesn't work, so we've been driving in silence the whole time. The noiselessness is starting to bother me, but I can't grab my MP3 player from my bag for fear of disturbing the aliens. Michelle looks like she is about to throw up.
9:15: As we approach Junction City, Tanya starts talking in the alien language again. It appears like she is communicating with someone. After what sounds like an intense argument she falls forward onto the steering wheel. She is unconscious. In a panic, Michelle starts screaming. I manage to grab the wheels while telling Michelle to move her sister's body. She throws Tanya in the backseat and then crawls into the passenger seat. I take the first exit I see, which lands us in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I park, jump out of the van and lock the doors. Michelle and I stare at each other for a while trying to decide what to do next. That's when we notice everyone is staring at us. No one is making a sound, they are just staying at us with black faces (kind of like zombies). Then, all of a sudden, they attack us. Before I can even think about fighting them off, a little boy of about five years old walks up to me and knocks me over the head with a hammer.
10:00: Michelle and I are unconscious.
11:00: We're still unconscious.
12:00pm: More unconsciousness.
12:45: Finally, I wake up. I'm in a white room with no doors or windows and no sign of Michelle. In the middle of room is what appears to be an operating table with lots of terrifying looking tools. I look down at myself and notice I'm wearing a plain white hospital gown. All the white is making me nauseous.
1:15: Michelle is shoved through the wall. She looks fine, but she is acting strangely. Then she starts speaking the same alien language her sister spoke earlier. She's hysterical. After yelling at me for a few seconds, she falls on the floor and starts having a seizure. I reach down to help her, but she is sucked through the floor. At this point I'm positive we were abducted by aliens, and that I will never see my family again. I start to cry.
1:30: A creature with six legs and twice as many eyes walks into the room. I'm sure it's planning to attack me. Knowing there is nothing I can do, I back into the corner and close my eyes. A few moments pass and nothing happens. I open my eyes and to my astonishment, I see Alex Gaskarth climbing out of the alien costume. I don't know what to think. MY SAVIOR IS HERE! I AM SAVED! Sure enough, Alex tells me he is here to protect me. He tells me he is part of a secret organization that deals in protecting the public from alien interference (like Men and Black).
2:00: Aliens ambush us. They are in the room and attacking. Within minutes Alex and I manage to defeat all the aliens and make it out of their spaceship (located under the Junction City Wal-Mart. Who would have known?). Alex helps me into his car and we sit there for a few silent seconds. He stares into my eyes before confessing his love for me. He then proceeds to tell me that we can't be together because of this job as an alien hunter. However, he tells me we can still see each other and he will never stop loving me. I'm perfectly fine with this. I always knew we would fall in love.
2:45: At my house, Alex calls some people and arrange for a new Tanya and Michelle to be brought here. He says the old ones are now aliens forever and I can't ever see them again. The new Tanya and Michelle are exactly the same as the old ones. No one should be able to tell a difference. Before he leaves, he kisses me passionately. When the new Tanya and Michelle arrive I'm amazed at how much they look like the old ones. I hop in Tanya's van and we drive to the middle school to pick up my brother.
3:15: Tanya brings us home. I don't tell my brother what happened, and when my parents get home I'm not telling them either. I assume the rest of my day is going to be boring. I can't stop thinking about Alex and how much I miss him. I hope we see each other again soon.
*Names changed (as to protect their identity)
First things first, I found my phone! It was in my friends van. The day after I lost it, my mom let me stay home from school because I had no way of getting in contact with my friend to tell her I needed a ride. So, I was going about my day, hoping that my friend would find my phone when all of a sudden my brother's phone rings. It's my mom telling me that my friend texted her saying she had my phone. Since I was home "sick" she brought it over to me as soon as school was out. I was extremely relieved. I knew it would be in her van... I knew it. I don't know what I would have done if it would have been out on the side of the street or something. I don't even want to think about it.
On to another important matter. Yesterday I was doing dishes, listening to my brand new MP3 player (by brand new I mean I got it two weeks ago for my birthday). So, I'm doing dishes. My mom decides that she is going to help me out by doing some drying. Which is usually a great thing, except because of this, I have completely forgotten that my MP3 player is sitting on the counter right beside a sink full of water. As I go to grab a dirty dish, the MP3 player falls in the sink.
Somehow it still works. I know, its a miracle. Well, by works I mean it plays music. The screen looks like this (see picture). I'm really hoping that my dad or someone can figure out how to fix it, because I really don't want to tell my Grandma that the MP3 player she spent $130 for my birthday is already broken. I mean, it functions just fine, but I can only listen to stuff on shuffle. I guess it could be worse. It could have not turned back on at all.
So that's all the news for now. I will be posting again later today with a fantabulous story about my most awesomely amazing day that I had. You don't want to miss it. Trust me.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Well, this is awkward.
I realize this is kind of overdue, it's just that I have been really busy and haven't been able to sit down for a second.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Seriously. My favorite. What's not to like about Halloween? I mean, you get free candy and you get to dress up for no reason. It's great.
I spent my Halloween doing nothing. I know, it's sad. The whole town was sad on Halloween. It seemed like no one was in the spirit. I still dressed up and ate free candy. I don't care what people think. Yes, I'm an 18 year old girl, and yes I do still enjoy dressing up for Halloween.
Anyway... moving on.
I didn't go to the All Time Low concert. Yes, it's depressing. But, I lived. I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. I'm still sad though. I really wish I could have went. I just have to keep thinking positive thoughts. I'm hoping they will come back really soon.
Oh, and more depressing matters: I lost my phone today. I remember putting it in my pocket when I left this morning, but when I was walking in to school, it was no longer there. I looked everywhere. The only thing I can think of is that I left it in my friend's van. I really hope that's where it is, because I don't know what I'll do if it's gone... I'm freaking out.
And I think I'm getting sick... So all-in-all these past couple days have sucked. Because of the suckiness, I'm ready for this year to get over already.
So, now that you (Whoever you are, and if there is a you out there) are informed, I will go. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
First I was happy, then I was sad. Then I was happy again!
So, yesterday was a mix of things. First I was happy. Why? Family Video called me back! I have an interview Monday at 3:30pm. I'm excited. My friend has an interview with them on Wednesday at 3:30pm. So, mine is before her's. So, that makes me awesome. Then, shortly after that I asked my friend about the All Time Low concert (for what will be the last time). She finally told me... no. She said no. It crushed me. I'm not going to lie, I cried. A lot. I'm sure I will get over it, but I'm still upset. I was really looking forward to going. Oh well...
Today, another one of my friends set up a time to take my senior pictures! Yay! Senior pictures! We're doing them this weekend. Now I just have figure out what I'm going to wear...
Well, that's about it. I don't really have anything else to say. Plus, I need to get back to work.
Today, another one of my friends set up a time to take my senior pictures! Yay! Senior pictures! We're doing them this weekend. Now I just have figure out what I'm going to wear...
Well, that's about it. I don't really have anything else to say. Plus, I need to get back to work.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I call her "Friend" to protect her identity.
Since I haven't updated in a while, I feel that I should. There are so many things I need to talk about. This post might be kind of long, but I don't care. I need to talk about this stuff. Whether you decide to read it or not? Well, that's up to you.
On one hand, I want to take it just in case I decide to go to college. At the moment my plans are to not go to college, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like I just need to suck it up and take it. Because what if I don't take and then after graduation I decide to go to college? Then what am I supposed to do? I don't know. I probably won't take it.
Secondly, the All Time Low concert is in four days, (Yes, you read that correctly: FOUR) and I still have no idea if I'm going or not. The only thing my friend has told me was that she has to ask her mom if they have the money. She told me that on Monday. I'm really starting to worry that I'm not going. I guess if she says no, I can still spend my birthday money on some cool stuff. Originally if I couldn't go, I was going to buy an All Time Low sweatshirt, but now I think I might get that tattoo that I've been wanting for a while. I don't know. I still need to hear my friend tell me no before I make any final decisions.
Thirdly, I picked up an application at Family Video the day after my birthday, and I hadn't turned it in yet because I was lazy. This morning, however, my friend (the one that is supposed to take me to the concert) tells me that she applied up there and the next day she was called back asking for an interview. So, after school I went up there and turned in my application. I highly doubt I'll get a call back, but who knows?
Well, I think that's about it. I know I talked a lot today, but I'm just in the typing mood. So, with that, I leave you. Hopefully next time I update, I will have a final answer about the concert, and maybe even have an interview for a job. Ta-ta for now!
Monday, October 24, 2011
All Time Low! All Time Low! All Time Low!
So, It's been a while since I've been on here... I guess that's due to my lack of motivation. Or maybe just because I was really busy this weekend.
Anyway... some news (that I know you are all dying to hear):
1. I might be going to the All Time Low Concert. Yes, it's in 8 days and I still don't have a definite answer. But that's okay. My friend just has to find out if she has the money to go. If she doesn't I'm going to buy some All Time Low shirts. If she does, we're going to the concert. I just really wish she would hurry up and tell me so I can order the tickets!
2. Umm, actually, I think that was the only news.
So, I guess that's it... I'll try and update again as soon as I feel like it that's my lack of motivation talking).
Anyway... some news (that I know you are all dying to hear):
1. I might be going to the All Time Low Concert. Yes, it's in 8 days and I still don't have a definite answer. But that's okay. My friend just has to find out if she has the money to go. If she doesn't I'm going to buy some All Time Low shirts. If she does, we're going to the concert. I just really wish she would hurry up and tell me so I can order the tickets!
2. Umm, actually, I think that was the only news.
So, I guess that's it... I'll try and update again as soon as I feel like it that's my lack of motivation talking).
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Zombies are cool. Don't deny it.
So, I'm about ready to go to bed, but this can't wait until morning. I have to talk about it now.
What is this thing that can't wait? We're doing a project in my Spanish class about a career we want to do. It can be real or made up. So, me, being me, I decided to do a made up one (because, honestly, who wants to tell their peers that they want to be an author? Not me). My friend decided that she was going to pick being a Zombie. So, I'm going with a Zombie Hunter.
While I was doing research, I was actually really surprised at the amount of information out there about being a Zombie Hunter. It was kind of weird actually. But, then I was struck with inspiration. So, I think I'm going to write about Zombie Hunting. I'm going to try and write it this weekend, and hopefully get it finished so everyone reading this can see it (If there is anyone reading this, which I doubt because I'm not cool).
And don't try to tell me I'm cool, because I'm not. I'm lame, and boring. That's just how I am.
Anyway, I'm going to bed, because I'm tired and I have to get up early in the morning. I will talk to you all (all?) later. Adios!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Me, crazy? Never!
Something unusual is going on this Tuesday morning at 10:43am. Why? I'm not at school.
Last night I was joking around with my mom about not going to school today. Then, when she woke me up this morning, she asked if I would miss anything if I stayed home. She was tired and didn't want to take me or my brother to school. So, here I am. At home, missing school.
I would be in Psychology right now.
And, speaking of Psychology, I have some interesting things to say. I was reading my psychology book last night and I came upon a very frightening statement:
"Mood disorders occur more frequently among creative writers and artists than among the general population."
For someone that wants to be a creative writer, that is a terrifying thing to read. I guess I'm going to have to watch out for that.
Anyway, that's about all I want to talk about. Mainly because my head is killing me and I want to do something productive. So, until next time!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
You're going to love this post (I guarantee it)
So, here we are again. This time I actually know what I want to talk about. You probably don't care about any of it, but I'm going to talk anyway.
Firstly, I just started reading a new book today. It's called Envy and it's by Gregg Olsen. I've only read two chapters, but it's great. Honestly, I could probably read the whole thing in one sitting. The reason I'm not is because I need something to do in class when I'm bored.
Secondly, I just realized that the All Time Low Concert in Kansas City is about a month away. All I need is a ride. I had the money for a ticket and my parents are more than willing to let me go. Unfortunately, no one wants to give me a ride. Not very many of my friends like All Time Low (which is their loss), which is why they don't want to take me. It's very frustrating. I really wish I could find someone that would be awesome and take me. I would be forever grateful. If I can't go to the concert, I will probably drop dead (OK, maybe not but you get the point. I at least won't be going to school that day...).
Lastly, I finally started doing a bunch of writing for one of the stories I'm writing. My goal is to have it finished by December, and at the rate I'm writing that will probably happen. I just want (and need) to get it finished. I've been working on it since the beginning of summer. I barely ever wrote to it, and now all of a sudden I'm writing all the time. This makes me a very happy person. It lets me know that I'm not an idiot for choosing to want to be an author.
So, there. I hope you (whoever you are) enjoyed this. If not, oh well. I guess you won't be sticking around to read anything else, and that's okay. I really don't care. I wasn't expecting to have a successful blog. I just made this because sometimes I get these weird urges to write in a blog.
Anyway... moving on. This is where I leave it. Until next time.
Firstly, I just started reading a new book today. It's called Envy and it's by Gregg Olsen. I've only read two chapters, but it's great. Honestly, I could probably read the whole thing in one sitting. The reason I'm not is because I need something to do in class when I'm bored.
Secondly, I just realized that the All Time Low Concert in Kansas City is about a month away. All I need is a ride. I had the money for a ticket and my parents are more than willing to let me go. Unfortunately, no one wants to give me a ride. Not very many of my friends like All Time Low (which is their loss), which is why they don't want to take me. It's very frustrating. I really wish I could find someone that would be awesome and take me. I would be forever grateful. If I can't go to the concert, I will probably drop dead (OK, maybe not but you get the point. I at least won't be going to school that day...).
Lastly, I finally started doing a bunch of writing for one of the stories I'm writing. My goal is to have it finished by December, and at the rate I'm writing that will probably happen. I just want (and need) to get it finished. I've been working on it since the beginning of summer. I barely ever wrote to it, and now all of a sudden I'm writing all the time. This makes me a very happy person. It lets me know that I'm not an idiot for choosing to want to be an author.
So, there. I hope you (whoever you are) enjoyed this. If not, oh well. I guess you won't be sticking around to read anything else, and that's okay. I really don't care. I wasn't expecting to have a successful blog. I just made this because sometimes I get these weird urges to write in a blog.
Anyway... moving on. This is where I leave it. Until next time.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Yea, I know. I'm weird. Get over it.
So, this here be me first post.
I don't really know what to say, except that I really felt like creating a blog for some reason. I don't know why that happens, but sometimes I get intense urges to write a blog, and then when I actually do it, I can't think of anything to write about. I guess I'm just weird like that.
Maybe I could talk about myself a little bit... but I really don't want to. I might save that for another day.
I could rant a little bit... or not. I'm pretty lazy right now. It's 10:12 in the morning and my fingers are freezing because it's really cold in here.
Hmm... What else? I don't know. I think I might just leave it at that. It gives you something to look forward to, I guess. If there is even anyone reading this right now. Which I highly doubt, because honestly who cares about some 18 year old girl from the middle of nowhere.
I don't really know what to say, except that I really felt like creating a blog for some reason. I don't know why that happens, but sometimes I get intense urges to write a blog, and then when I actually do it, I can't think of anything to write about. I guess I'm just weird like that.
Maybe I could talk about myself a little bit... but I really don't want to. I might save that for another day.
I could rant a little bit... or not. I'm pretty lazy right now. It's 10:12 in the morning and my fingers are freezing because it's really cold in here.
Hmm... What else? I don't know. I think I might just leave it at that. It gives you something to look forward to, I guess. If there is even anyone reading this right now. Which I highly doubt, because honestly who cares about some 18 year old girl from the middle of nowhere.
But if you are reading this, you have something to look forward to. Oh, and also, if you are reading this: You are awesome! Keep up the good work (whatever the good work is)!
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