I'm thankful for my parents. For one, without them I wouldn't be here right now. And two, they are just the most awesomest people ever. They let me go to concerts, I don't have a curfew, they let me get piercings and tattoos. If I had any other people for my parents I would be a completely different person.
I'm thankful for all my family. I love them all. Even if we fight sometimes, I still love them. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, I love them all. I don't know what I would do if my family was this great.
I'm thankful for music. I know, that one is kind of weird. But without music in my life, I wouldn't be me. Music means the world to me. I can't stand not being able to listen to anything. Just think about how boring your life would be if you didn't have anything to fill in the silence. My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Mat Musto, Hot Chelle Rae, All Time Low, and a bazillion others. Especially All Time Low. I don't know what I would do without those guys. Oh, and I prefer CD's to MP3, in case you were wondering. Nothing beats going to a record store and buying and actual disk that you put in your car or stereo and listen to. Not only does it have a different sound quality, but CD's are forever. You can't just one day lose all your CD's, unlike MP3s. People need to keep buying CD's, I would be devastated it the record industry went out of business and everything was digital. I wouldn't be able to buy music anymore. So, please. I beg you: Buy an actual CD that you can hold in your hand, not just the digital copy.
I'm thankful for books. Actually, I'm thankful for words and people still read books, too. I know that in today's world everyone likes to have electronic books. I can't stand that idea. You miss out on the feel of the pages, and all that other good stuff that comes with actually holding a book in your hands. Words. What would we do without words. I love the fact that there are millions of words in the world and that any one is able to use them. People who read books. Without those people, there would be no point in my wanting to be an author. If people weren't reading books, there is no point to write books either. So, for all of you who love to read actual books, keep doing it. Please, I beg you.
So, that's what I'm thankful for in a nut shell. I'm sure there are other things, like my freedom, and stuff like that, but those are all things everyone is thankful for. It's kind of something that goes unsaid. Anyway, that's it. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Make sure you eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie. And if you don't like pumpkin pie, eat it anyway. Pumpkin pie is the most delicious pie ever invented and there is something seriously wrong with you if you don't like it. Seriously.
Anyway, eat all that delicious food and be thankful for it!
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