Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas!

I want to take a moment and talk about the presents I got this year:

1. Socks. Yea, socks. I'm actually okay with this. I needed new socks anyway...

2. Laptop Sleeve. I'm okay with this too. It's what I wanted. I already knew my mom was getting it for me, because I was standing there when she ordered it...

3. Slippers. Okay, so I wanted new slippers because my other pair was completely destroyed.

4. Lotions. Who doesn't like to get lotion? And it smells good. I'm very happy with this.

5. $25 gift card to Alco. Okay, now this is probably the worst gift ever. HOW DO YOU SPEND $25 IN ALCO? If you have never heard of Alco, don't look it up. It's the worst store in the history of stores... Even despite it being the worst store ever, I managed to spend $12 of my gift card. I bought a new mouse for my laptop and some nail polish.

6. Candy. Who doesn't love candy. Seriously? Best. Gift. Ever.

All in all, I want to be disappointed in the gifts I got this year, but I can't. Last year was a great year for Christmas. I got a laptop last year! My parents have been on a tight budget this year, so I knew that I wasn't going to get much. So, yea. I'm thankful and happy with what I got. At least I got something at all.

So, that's that. This afternoon my dad is going to cook up a nice Christmas dinner for just us. The food is going to be great, and I can't wait. I hope you all have a great Christmas!

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